Future Trance Kits 3 Released

Future Trance Kits 3 Released

June 23rd 2014

Trance Euphoria unleash yet another amazing Trance construction kit featuring 10 Pro kits inspired by the biggest names in the Trance production scene. These kits feature all of the sounds, MIDI loops and parts that you’ll need to both re-create the fantastic demo tracks you’ll hear on the product page, but also to re-edit, remix and redefine these grooves into your own original tracks using the included kits as inspiration! Trance Euphoria’s packs have been best-sellers through the years here at dancemidisamples.com at it’s not hard to hear why: their synth soundsets and Trance Construction Kits quite simply sound sublime! If you’re an aspiring Trance producer, or a pro in need of some new tricks we’d recommend checking out these production tools right now! Listen to the Trance Construction Kits here.

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