What is a .zip file and how do I work with them?

June 4th 2012

All the downloads you’ll find on DMS are contained in .zip (or WinRAR) archive files, this is an easy way for you to download many smaller files in one go

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8: double click the .zip file, this will bring up a Windows Explorer window showing the files within the .zip.
From the file menu of this window choose “extract all”. This will bring up a wizard to extract your files to the directory of your choice.
Alternatively use WinZip or WinRAR, both are free downloads from the net.

Mac OS X: double click the file .zip, this will automatically extract the files to the same directory as the .zip file.
Alternatively use Stuffit Expander, again this is a free download from the net.

Quick Links: Browse By Genre | WAV Sample Packs | MIDI Packs | REX Loops | Combi Packs | Reason Refills | Apple Loops

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