90’s dance loop from Nano Musik arrives!
June 27th 2014
Nano Musik Loops have delved back in time to the heydays of dance the 1990’s! This new MIDI pack features over 30 loop designed to give your tracks that classic dance feel! Producers of styles such as Progressive & Swedish House as well as Big Room will find these chunky, up-for-it chord stabs and progressions an absolute god send for those hand sin the air moments! The 1990’s was an era of massive explosion in popularity for the dance scene with hundreds of new acts appearing as well as bands such as The Orb, Orbital The Grid, Leftfield & The Prodigy achieving top UK chart success. If you want to infuse your tracks with massive energy that’ll destroy dance floors the world over check out this pack right now! Listen to the 90’s dance loops here.
Download more MIDI Loop Packs here.
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