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Reason Refills
Download packs for Propellerheads Reason: Expand your Reason sound collection today! Reason is an all-in-one studio solution for those who need everything at their fingertips with few 3rd party expansions. It's clean recording and patch bay style interface have made it an instant hit with home studio users and pro’s alike (Liam from The Prodigy used Reason as a sketch pad for their last album). Reason’s built-in feature list is endless, from its powerful NN-XT sampler to DR REX, REDRUM and simple MIDI editing alongside rock solid timing and simple arranging and automation too. Reason really is a fantastic start for those in need of top-notch plugins and effects without the need to buy expensive 3rd party VST/ AU plugins. We’ve got thousands of Reason Refills, each ready for you to expand your sound library with today. Check them out here!
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