Soundbytes Mag Online Review
July 22nd 2014 have reviewed some of our popular DMS Ableton Live templates and packs! We’ve been creating Ableton Live Templates for a while here at DMS, and we firmly believe that to get the best out of your DAW you should learn to use it’s built-in audio plugin suite. Ableton has a fantastic set of plugins, from it’s powerful Autofilter to it’s swirling Ping Pong delay and tube-like Saturator plugin. Our projects only use these plugins and instruments, meaning that you’ll only need Ableton Live to use them – our projects never use 3rd party plugins so you can be totally sure that they’ll work with your setup straight away. We love using Ableton’s Simpler instrument, this sampler is far more than basic and it’s amazing what can easily be achieved with this versatile audio sampler, from looping single shot sounds to filter envelopes and more. We’ve got Ableton Live Templates for loads of electronic genres including D&B, Dubstep, Trance, House, Deep House, Progressive and more in-between. These versatile learning tools are great for seeing just how pro producers put together their music – an absolute boon for any new producer looking to learn how a sound was made, arrangement skills, use of EQ, mixing tips and pre-mastering. Essential tools for any budding EDM producer!
Read the review here.
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