Dark Psy Tools 2

Dark Psy Tools 2

July 6th 2014

Dark Psy Tools Vol 2 features a massive selection of samples, loops and FX each ready for instant action in your tracks. Designed for the darker psy-trance sound these samples are pure gold: mangled and effected to F%^5 to create originality and depth for your productions. The sample pack features 250 samples spread across 6 sound categories including short and long melodic loops, textures, effects and as a  special bonus 6 Turnado presets and an Ableton Live Project for the demo track, allowing you instant access to the secrets of these superb pack. All loops have been recorded in C and at 150 BPM so you can easily mix and match the samples in your productions without the need for time or pitch stretching if you wish. This popular download features plenty of material for Psy producers to get their sequencers dirty with, dive in and get that dark sound today! Listen to the Dark Psy Trance tools pack here.

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