New! Access Virus Presets For Progressive Psytrance

New! Access Virus Presets For Progressive Psytrance

November 24th 2015

If you’re an Access Virus owner (or are jealous of one…) you’ll know just how good this beast of a VA synth sounds, it’s dedicated DSP chips blowing the socks off virtually every soft-synth out there. Psytrance artist Spectro Senses has just delivered a mind blowingly good bank for Virus C, Virus Powercore & Virus TI/ TI2 owners.

We’ve tried and tested this new Access Virus sound bank today and loved every sound – the patches cover tight, classic Psy basses, synths, stabs, FX and twisted zaps that will please any Psychedelic producer’s ears.  Listen to the Access Virus Progressive Psytrance Presets here.



We’re currently working on our own demo here DMS HQ – it’s that much fun! We’ll release the project as an Ableton Live Pack featuring audio loops and MIDI for any relevant parts so keep an eye out for our latest news! We love free stuff and are striving to bring you the best free Psytrance content that we can. Take a peek at our Free Stuff Section for loads of free Psytrance loops and samples.

Need more? Check out our Psytrance MIDI Loops section for full control over your groove! Love your Virus synth? Get more Access Virus Presets here.

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