New! NI Massive Progressive Pluck Presets
December 4th 2015
We’ve got a fantastic new NI Massive bank for all lovers of those sweet, sweet sounding progressive style synth plucks. THE ONE’s aptly named ‘Progressive Plucks’ contains 24 precisely programmed plucked sounds for Native Instruments Massive 1.5.1 and above (although these patches will work in version 1.4) featuring all 8 macros enabled for superb control over the way you sculpt these sounds while both adding them into your track and during your arrangement process. We love sounds that can warp and morph to your beck-and-call and these patches really hit the spot!
Not to be left wanting the download also includes 40 MIDI loops designed for use with these pluck presets. These great pluck riffs provide a great introduction to using the bank, lovers of Trance & Progressive House will certainly find incredibly useful for creating instant lift and style in their tracks. Of course as these loops are in MIDI format you’re free to edit them as you wish including changing tempo, key or even using only a small segment – the choices for writing original music with these sounds are astounding. Highly recommend by the team. Check out the Progressive Plucks for NI Massive here.
Need more sounds for Massive? Take a listen through our NI Massive Presets here. Download Plucks for other synths here.
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