Songstarters: The Best Multi-Format Construction Kits

Songstarters: The Best Multi-Format Construction Kits

November 14th 2015

Song Starters are here! These versatile production packs have been designed to give you instant access too inspirational sounds, grooves and ideas, and all importantly to provide the spark to ignite that creative moment: and your latest monster club track!

These packs contain a mixture of producer-friendly formats that both pro and beginner electronic musicians will appreciate: audio loops and stems for fast track creation, MIDI loops for those who want exacting control over their sound and often sampler instruments and one shots too – so all you need to do is load up your favourite sampler and you have access to playable sounds. Awesome!

Songstarter Kit Example

These packs range from full blown construction kits featuring entire tunes with build ups, break downs and the works, to ‘groove’ style packs that give you component parts broken down for you to mix and match into your own unique songs. We know that you like choice and these WAV loop & sample and MIDI loops provide you with amazing flexibility, give them a try and you might just make that next EDM stormer! Check out our Song Starters now.

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