How To Import MIDI Files In Logic X
March 7th 2014
We’ve had a few requests recently from new Apple Logic Pro users asking how to import MIDI loops into Logic X without evoking the automatic ‘Grand Piano of Doom’ instrument! The secret is to simply add a new blank instrument channel first, drag-n-drop your chosen MIDI file onto the track and then add your own synth after – check out our quick video tutorial.
MIDI files are the most flexible format available to the producer – free from the constraints of pitch, tempo and nasty time-stretching artifacts found in WAV format loops! Since MIDI files contain only the information needed to re-construct a sequence in your DAW you can choose any sound from your library, edit every note with ease using your DAW’s piano roll editor, change the tempo and perform pretty much any other edit you desire! You can find 1000’s of Royalty-Free MIDI loop in our MIDI packs section – just choose your favourite EDM genre!
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