DMS how to guide: Importing MIDI into Logic

DMS how to guide: Importing MIDI into Logic

May 30th 2012

logic-pro-iconCarrying on our MIDI file import ‘How to’ guides we’re taking a look at adding existing MIDI files and then assigning an AU plugin synth to play it in Apple’s Logic Pro sequencer software.


1) From the File menu open an existing or new project (Command -> O / N)

2) Create a new instrument track by pressing the ‘New Tracks (click the + symbol icon )

3) Open a Finder window and locate a MIDI file (.mid) that you’d like to import into your Logic arrangement .

4) Drag and drop the MIDI file onto your instrument track, this will create a MIDI region for the MIDI file’s contents. Note: DMS MIDI files are always single riffs or sequences, however many MIDI files that you’ll find on the net are often entire songs and will include multiple tracks (i.e drums, bass, synth etc).

5) Now it’s time to assign an instrument to play our MIDI sequence. Making sure that your empty instrument track is still selected go to the Inspector pane on the right of your Arrange page. Click and hold the blank insert slot below the I/O (In/ Out) and below the output box. This will open a drop-down menu listing your available synths.

6) Select a synth from the menu and release the mouse button. The graphical interface for your chosen synth will open.

7) Set your loops points (Cycle) around your MIDI region and press play (Space Bar). You’ll now hear the imported MIDI sequence being played!


Quick Links: Browse By Genre | WAV Sample Packs | MIDI Packs | REX Loops | Combi Packs | Reason Refills | Apple Loops

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