DMS how to guide: Importing MIDI into Reason

DMS how to guide: Importing MIDI into Reason

May 30th 2012

ReasonLet’s take a look at importing MIDI files like those that you’ll find here at DMS into Propellerhead’s Reason. For more detailed look at importing MIDI & WAV files into Reason (with pictures!), take a look at our importing MIDI & WAV files into Reason guide.



1) Open Reason and from the File menu click ‘New’ to create a new song.

2) From the File menu choose ‘Import MIDI File…’

3) Using the MIDI file browser navigate to your MIDI file and click open.

4) You’ll see the note data from the MIDI file imported into a channel and in your sequencer time-line.

5) Now to assign a sound! Right click an empty rack space and choose a Reason instrument – we’ve chosen an NN-XT Sampler since we’ve got our DMS Trance Refill loaded up. Once the instrument is loaded open a preset sound of your choice.

6) Back in the sequencer select your channel with MIDI sequence and click the blank ‘Out’ box. This will bring up a drop-down menu listing available instruments – in our case NN-XT 1.

7) Press play and enjoy your MIDI sequence! Don’t like the sound? Choose another preset or synth!

Remember to take a listen to our Reason Refills & presets here, all our MIDI loops (including those in the Free Stuff section!) are compatible with Reason.

Quick Links: Browse By Genre | WAV Sample Packs | MIDI Packs | REX Loops | Combi Packs | Reason Refills | Apple Loops

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