NEW in Logic Pro Templates: Make Dubstep With Logic Pro!
May 29th 2012
Want to learn how to make Dubstep with Logic Pro? Our latest Logic template devles into the filthy world of Dubstep Bass & FX production in the shape of an entire royalty free track for you to explore, learn from, use, abuse and get damn right doity with! This Logic project includes all the sounds, samples & synth presets you’ll need to open and edit using only Logic: no extra plugins are needed! Let our Dubstep production experts guide you with production tips for creating Dubstep basslines, mixing synths, adding FX and of course the all important arrangement of your complete track! Learn all the Dubstep production secrets you’ll need to make grimy, filthy and damn right rockin’ Dubstep using only Logic Pro!
Check out this wicked Dubstep track here.