Logic Template On Sale!
March 2nd 2014
Grab our best-selling Logic Template for only £10 today! As part of our daily deals promotion we’re offering you the chance to grab this superb Logic project at a massive discount! Offer ends Monday!
Grab the Logic 8, 9 & X project here.
Our Logic template series allows you to delve deep inside the inner workings of track arrangement, EQ, FX and pre-mastering. If you’ve ever wondered how producers get that big, full and phat sound in their tracks then our Logic template series will become your secret weapon! these learning tools are always easily laid out enabling you to see a complete over-view of how Pro’s put together their productions. What’s even better about these projects is that they don’t require any further plugins – they only utilise Logic’s fantastic built-in plugin suite. All you require is the full version of Logic 8, 9 or X – the download includes all the EXS24 sampler instruments, ES2 patches and samples need to load up the project on your Mac. You’re then free to edit, explore and learn from these excellent tracks.
Check out our Logic Project section here.
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