Endeavour NI Massive Presets Vol 2
September 1st 2014
Psychedelic trance synth programming ace Endeavour returns with 66 all new sounds for NI Massive. Each finely crafted synth preset has been designed to create awesome psy textures in no time at all using this ultra powerful synthesizer. The NI Massive soundset includes leads and synth stabs, atmospheres and FX along with arpeggios and sequences to ensure that you certainly won’t be stuck for great sounds in your latest tracks! Check out the full pack specs and download the Endeavour NI Massive Psytrance Bank here:
Native Instrument’s Massive has fast become the ‘go-to’ synth for many Pro producers, give the synth’s chunky oscillators, wide sound and super flexible routing options it’s not heard to hear why! This bank concentrates on the psychedelic side of production, however producers looking for twisted sounds for use in other genres won’t be disappointed – this bank is crammed full of synth stabs, FX and lead synths that will find a home in many modern electronic styles. Need More? Check out our other new NI Massive Patches today!
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