Mystery Islands Announce JP-80×0 Editor plug-in v2.0
February 20th 2014
Good news everyone! Mystery Islands have announced the imminent release of their new Roland JP8000 series VST & AU editor and librarian plugin. This nifty bit of kit manages your hardware synth as if it were a plugin within your DAW, meaning that for all intensive purposes your JP is integrated into your projects with no messing around loading patches on your synth needed!
Feature List:
• Librarian mode : scroll, edit, save, request and store performance & patch data.
• Send single patches from librarian to upper or lower layer.
• Velocity sensitivity controls : control almost every parameters velocity sensitivity from a new layer of knobs.
• Patch name for upper and lower layer can be set and viewed.
• Performance MIDI channel can be set
• Remote MIDI channel can be set
• GUI elements have reworked for a smoother visual experience.
The plugin’s release date is yet to be confirmed, but this superb addition to your studio is expected in March / April 2014. Roland JP owners watch this space! Mystery Islands are also planning editors for some hardware synth favourites so keep your eyes and ears peeled for news! Visit Mystery Islands online for more information.
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