Synapse Audio Dune 2 Review
August 19th 2014
Despite sharing names with the 1992 PC computer game ‘Dune 2’, there’s absolutely nothing old skool about the new synth from Synapse Audio! The new synth shouldn’t be confused with it’s younger sibling, Dune 1 patches unfortunately aren’t compatible with Dune 2 as Synapse are clear that this new beastie is a complete re-write, however the host of features on offer more than make up for this slight slip-up in nomenclature and forwards compatibility issue. When we say ‘beastie’ we mean it too – this instrument can generate an enormous 8320 o/c’s at full 16 voice unison if pushed to the limit – and fat it sounds indeed! Oscillator types range from the now common-or-garden Virtual Analogue to Wavetable (think Waldorf synths and of course Dune version 1!) and FM (that’s Frequency Modulation – Yamaha DX7 or Roland D50 this is not, but unless you’re a massive 80’s tone head it’s not the end of the world!). Cutting to the chase let’s hit the filter section! there’s choice of 17 filter types including some pretty darn great filter effects such as distortion and bit crushing available for extra sound sculpting opportunities. The demo version we tested comes with over 60 presets to get you started and this is one of the best virtual synths that we’ve hear in a long time! Highly recommended by the DMS team! 4/5.
Demo version available from the Synapse Audio Website. Need synth sounds for your VST synths? Head on over to our synth patches section.
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