Progressive Psytrance for Virus TI Out Now
June 30th 2014
Synth sound designer Ronei Leite has updated his Progressive Psytrance soundset for the Access Virus TI series! The bank is now compatible with all Virus versions including Virus C, Powercore, TI & TI2! Get the Virus soundset here.
The bank includes 128 presets designed specifically for progressive producers in need of a dose of Psychedelia! Sound categories cover basses, lead synths, arpeggios, plucks and sequences – all you need do is add your own psy percussion (check out Mechinimal’s Psytrance Samples Vol 5 for some kick-ass new sounds!) and you’ll be creating awesome progressive psy-trance in minutes.
The Virus TI series is Access Music’s most advanced version of the Virus to date adding many new osciallor types and of course ‘Total Integration’ – the ability to run the hardware unit as an instrument within your DAW, making for a super-smooth and fast workflow from within your project. If you’ve never experienced the powerful sounds of this synth then you really are missing out – it’s one of electronic music’s favourites and you’ll find Virus hardware synths in virtually ever top studio worldwide.
Take a listen the more Access Virus soundsets here. Click here for more Psytrance Samples.
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